Iliac In Youth is a non-profit organization that wishes to make the world a better place.

How do we work?

Partnering with Local Communities

We organize fundraisers within our school community, where students, teachers, and parents contribute with donations. These events aim to raise funds for various causes or projects, such as supporting local charities or funding school initiatives. By involving the entire school community, we create a sense of unity and collaboration, instilling in our students the values of empathy and generosity. Students learn the importance of giving back to their community, while teachers and parents actively participate in supporting and encouraging their children's involvement in these fundraising activities. These events not only provide financial support for worthy causes but also foster a strong sense of community spirit within our school, as we work together to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

We are a team of highschoolers from Bangladesh passionately working towards making the world a better place. We are driven by a strong desire to bring positive change and contribute to the well-being of society. With our innovative ideas and determination, we strive to address various global issues and make a meaningful impact. Through our collaborative efforts and dedication, we aim to create sustainable solutions that can improve the lives of people as much as we can. Our commitment to social responsibility and our belief in the power of youth demonstrate our unwavering dedication to shaping a brighter future for everyone. We are determined to leave a positive mark on the world and inspire others to join this mission.

Finance & Investing

To make a lasting impact, we know that we must actively engage and include the communities we are seeking to help. We are continually learning and growing in how we show up as an authentic, ethical partner.